About Us

The Clothing Industry Pension Fund is a registered Industrial Pension Scheme for the Clothing Industry, in terms of the Insurance and Pensions Commission, Regulations and was established on the 1st of September 1979.


You become an eligible employee when you are engaged by an employer in the industry from the first day of the month upon which : i) attained the age of 16 years and ii) have 24 hours service with an employer; provided you are not over the age of sixty years.

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It is a condition of employment that all eligible employees of the Clothing Industry must become members of the Fund. This is in terms of the Clothing Industry Industrial Agreement, RGN No.320 of 1979 as amended.

You become an eligible employee when you are engaged by an employer in the Industry from the first working day of the month following that upon which you : -

  • Have attained the age of sixteen years and
  • Have twenty four hours service with an employer in the industry; provided that you are not over the age sixty years.

If you become redundant as result  of company closure or on retrenchment, you will be entitled to full benefits of the amounts held to your credit as if you were retiring at normal retirement date.

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